You open cupboard door one morning and there he is, roach! Where did he come from? Could be from any new foods you purchased and brought home. You know if there is one there is a lot more! We offer numerous solutions fix for these home invaders!
Your kids are covered in bites. What could be doing this? You look closely at their beds and there they are. Bed bugs! How could this be? You think back to the recent trip you had with the over night stay at that old hotel. The place where these bites started to happen. You unknowingly brought home bed bugs in your suitcase! Now what?
Now you have to call the exterminators. You will be living in a hotel with your family for the next 3 to 4 days. Meanwhile the exterminator will be soaking every inch of your living space with toxic chemicals. Wrong! We at Living Skies organic Pest Control use a special heat treatment to rid you and your family of these insects. 24 hr heat treatment of the room and they are all gone! You and your family can safely return knowing the insects are gone. .As well, with the peace of mind knowing your belongings are not covered with toxic mist.